Preparedness (Page 5)

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How to prevent kitchen fires: cooking at home during COVID-19

A woman looking shocked at burned food in a frying pan

Being stuck at home has us all trying random new things. There was the sudden obsession with home-made sourdough bread that swept the internet earlier this year, and a lot of people have turned to perfecting a craft. I don’t particularly enjoy being in the kitchen, so my lockdown saw me learning to play the ukulele.

A woman looking shocked at burned food in a frying pan

Deck the halls with fire safety

A baby sitting next to an artificial Christmas tree, touching one of the bulbs

Keep the season merry and bright with these simple holiday fire safety tips. The fire danger associated with real and artificial trees can be mitigated through these few safety tips

A baby sitting next to an artificial Christmas tree, touching one of the bulbs

How to brighten up a dinner in the dark

I live out in the country where power outages are a regular occurrence, especially during the winter. We’ve gone a few days without electricity in the past, and we’ve had to improvise several hot and no-cook meals. Here are some tips for throwing together a safe candlelight dinner.

What you need to know about carbon monoxide

Every year, hundreds of Canadians are affected by carbon monoxide poisoning. The results can be fatal.
Carbon monoxide (CO) is an odourless, colourless, and tasteless gas, and therefore not detectable by any of the body’s senses. Because of its indiscernible nature, carbon monoxide poisoning is sometimes known as a “silent killer”. CO poisoning happens when someone breathes in too much carbon monoxide.

15 tips to keep up good COVID habits

It’s easy to fall into the old ways of going about our lives. However it's vital we keep up new habits to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Fall brings colour and caution: how to get ready for colder weather

Fall weather brings a lot of uncertainty – but we can be certain that fall weather means increasingly colder temperatures, especially at night, and accompanying freezing rain, overnight freezes, storms are on the horizon. Here are some tips to help you be ready.

What I learned after having to self-isolate with no warning

I was at home when I got the call. Thanks to the work of contact tracers, my husband was informed that he had potentially been exposed to COVID-19 and needed to get tested ASAP. While we waited for the results of our tests, we would need to immediately stay home and not leave. Here's what I learned after having to self-isolate with no warning. 

How to prepare for summer power outages

On hot days, overload to power grids often happen. However, whether it’s due to a grid failure or a thunderstorm, power outages can leave you without air conditioning, lighting, hot water or even running water – and they can last for days or even weeks. Here are some tips to help you prepare.

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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